12-12-2015, 09:05 PM
Checklist for Setting Client Expectations
Prior to any workshop we must set the right expectations for the client and avoid any surprises before, during or after the event. Set client expectations by accomplishing the following:
q Make sure the client understands the objective of the workshop.
q Use the appropriate techniques and processes in the workshop.
q Clarify the role and responsibilities of the sponsor.
q Provide the required resources.
· participation of appropriate attendees
· facilities/money for an outside venue
· time commitments
q Prepare participants to contribute.
q Clarify Oracle’s role - professional facilitation and consultancy.
q Specify the required format of the workshop output.
q Provide adequate background material for attendees according to their level of preparation:
o presentation
o letter
o individual interview
o written notes/script for sponsor’s introduction
q Test the questions to be used in the workshop.
Checklist for Preparing Packets for Participants
Prior to the workshop, the attendees must be fully briefed in order for them to be fully effective. Accomplish this through an individual briefing or a reproduced Attendee’s Pack. Whichever approach is used, it should cover the following elements:
q background to the workshop (Why are we doing this?)
q the reason to conduct study/workshop and benefits we hope to achieve
q invitation to the workshop (including when and where)
q objectives of the workshop
q Prepare participants to contribute.
q introduce Oracle Consulting Services (why Oracle?)
q results and expectations
q what they have to think about to prepare for participation in the workshop
Checklist for Preparing Packets for Participants
Although each workshop is tailored to specific needs, the following provides a sound “bill of materials” on which to build the workshop.
q room - approximately 7m by 10m (25 feet by 35 feet) (This is usually considered a meeting room for 40 people!)
q walls - at least two full walls on which output can be hung. Double check that the owners of the room allow the use of Blue-Tak (adhesive putty) or masking tape for attaching paper to the surface of the walls.
q table - U-shaped table to seat the number of participants
q overhead projector and trolley (if planning to present anything)
q 2 or 3 pin boards and brown paper to cover
q 4 or 5 flip charts and stands (depending on number of participants)
Facilitator’s Kit
q rectangular cards in pastel colors for card sessions
q oval cards in pastel colors
q large round cards
q thick black felt tip pens (more than number of people)
q spray mount
q Blue-Tak (adhesive putty)
q scissors/paper knife
q masking tape
q self-adhesive dots
q coffee and tea at all times
q separate room for lunch
q toilets conveniently placed
q room sealed off from outside communication (no telephone!)
Checklist for Preparing and Running a Workshop
The following activities need to be performed as part of planning a workshop:
q Qualify the client.
q Make sure the sponsor is of the highest level within the business unit.
q Write a briefing paper for the sponsor.
q Brief the sponsor well - anticipate problems, personalities.
q Prepare a detailed plan of the workshop (remember to factor in coffee and lunch breaks).
q Verify non-participants are not present.
q NEVER copy a previous workshop model without making sure of its appropriateness.
q The flow of the techniques and processes is significant, and has been worked out and tested.
q Do not underestimate the time required to write up the results.
Sample workshop plan is all attached for all of you and lets make all ERP projects successful
Prior to any workshop we must set the right expectations for the client and avoid any surprises before, during or after the event. Set client expectations by accomplishing the following:
q Make sure the client understands the objective of the workshop.
q Use the appropriate techniques and processes in the workshop.
q Clarify the role and responsibilities of the sponsor.
q Provide the required resources.
· participation of appropriate attendees
· facilities/money for an outside venue
· time commitments
q Prepare participants to contribute.
q Clarify Oracle’s role - professional facilitation and consultancy.
q Specify the required format of the workshop output.
q Provide adequate background material for attendees according to their level of preparation:
o presentation
o letter
o individual interview
o written notes/script for sponsor’s introduction
q Test the questions to be used in the workshop.
Checklist for Preparing Packets for Participants
Prior to the workshop, the attendees must be fully briefed in order for them to be fully effective. Accomplish this through an individual briefing or a reproduced Attendee’s Pack. Whichever approach is used, it should cover the following elements:
q background to the workshop (Why are we doing this?)
q the reason to conduct study/workshop and benefits we hope to achieve
q invitation to the workshop (including when and where)
q objectives of the workshop
q Prepare participants to contribute.
q introduce Oracle Consulting Services (why Oracle?)
q results and expectations
q what they have to think about to prepare for participation in the workshop
Checklist for Preparing Packets for Participants
Although each workshop is tailored to specific needs, the following provides a sound “bill of materials” on which to build the workshop.
q room - approximately 7m by 10m (25 feet by 35 feet) (This is usually considered a meeting room for 40 people!)
q walls - at least two full walls on which output can be hung. Double check that the owners of the room allow the use of Blue-Tak (adhesive putty) or masking tape for attaching paper to the surface of the walls.
q table - U-shaped table to seat the number of participants
q overhead projector and trolley (if planning to present anything)
q 2 or 3 pin boards and brown paper to cover
q 4 or 5 flip charts and stands (depending on number of participants)
Facilitator’s Kit
q rectangular cards in pastel colors for card sessions
q oval cards in pastel colors
q large round cards
q thick black felt tip pens (more than number of people)
q spray mount
q Blue-Tak (adhesive putty)
q scissors/paper knife
q masking tape
q self-adhesive dots
q coffee and tea at all times
q separate room for lunch
q toilets conveniently placed
q room sealed off from outside communication (no telephone!)
Checklist for Preparing and Running a Workshop
The following activities need to be performed as part of planning a workshop:
q Qualify the client.
q Make sure the sponsor is of the highest level within the business unit.
q Write a briefing paper for the sponsor.
q Brief the sponsor well - anticipate problems, personalities.
q Prepare a detailed plan of the workshop (remember to factor in coffee and lunch breaks).
q Verify non-participants are not present.
q NEVER copy a previous workshop model without making sure of its appropriateness.
q The flow of the techniques and processes is significant, and has been worked out and tested.
q Do not underestimate the time required to write up the results.
Sample workshop plan is all attached for all of you and lets make all ERP projects successful