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Archive for October, 2012

Recap of Oracle OpenWorld 2012, San Francisco

Posted by Kashif Manzoor on 7th October 2012

Finally a week full of oracle technology rhythm is over in San Francisco starting from 30-Sep to 4 Oct.

I reached to SFO on 28th Sep Friday evening; weather was cloudy just checked out of my hotel in Union Square named as Oracle Square… Was there a big arrangement for with Music festival

Saturday 29th Sep, I spend roaming in San Francisco, visited Farmer Market in Ferry building, China Town, Lombard Street and to end with to visit Alcatraz.

Saturday evening I just spend on doing some cosmetics changes in my presentation. This year I was attending as speaker in Oracle OpenWorld and my session ‘CON6172 – How to Manage a Successful Oracle E-Business Suite R12 Upgrade and Overcome the Challenges’ was scheduled on 1st Oct Monday at -4:45pm to 05:45pm.

Sunday morning, registration went very smooth as Oracle really has organized very well the entire registration process, after that I have attended few of the sessions and finally the time comes for Key Note from Larry Ellison with the title ‘Hardware and Software, Engineered to Work Together: Why It’s A Different Approach’. He spoke to few announcements about IAAS, Oracle Database 12c and Exadata X3, in memory database.

Oracle announces new version of oracle Database 12c for 2013. A multitenant Database for the Cloud.  Complete new database architecture with the concept of “container” database which may handle several isolated databases within this container.

The pluggable databases feature enables multiple databases to share a common instance it will treat as they are on separate instances. This will enable to save lots of memory and lots of time to do routine patching and upgrading databases. users through Pluggable Databases feature can also very easily spin-up instances without the usual process of dedicating and initializing a server. We can also upgrade the software for multiple database instances simultaneously, instead of doing one at a time. This feature will provide flexibility and simplify administration, and will be useful to manage a database within either a public or private cloud.

2nd key feature is multitenancy support in the 12c database. This feature enables the DBAs  to define resource allocation and priority by tenant and so separately manage the service level of each tenant.

Oracle Database 12c will also feature more advance use of memory and data compression, reducing dependency on disk I/O not only delivers better performance with ease of administration

Prior to this session there was another keynote from, Noriyuki Toyoki, Senior Vice President of Fujitsu Limited (sponsor of the OOW) introduced “Athena”, a new technology architecture for SPARC processors as the result of a long partnership between both Oracle and Fujitsu.

Oracle also announced a new version of the Exadata X3 machine with much more memory and flash drives to push entire database into a flash cache.


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