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Oracle Fusion Applications Foundation – Functional Setup Manager

Posted by Kashif Manzoor on August 20th, 2011

Fusion Applications Foundation: An introduction to Functional Setup Manager

Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager provides a single user interface for performing all tasks related to Oracle Fusion Applications setup after installation and helps you to easily move the setup data between instances to reduce implementation time.

Benefits of using Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager include:

  • Minimizing time to deploy with predefined setup offerings, guided and sequential task lists, and the ability to set up once and import or export to many instances
  • Enabling you to configure offerings to fit your business needs; you can create custom tasks and task lists to extend offerings
  • Maximizing productivity by offering built-in analysis and reporting functionality Oracle Fusion Functional


Setup Manager offers:

  • A single entry point to set up applications, which enables you to manage all aspects of functional setup in one interface
  • A built in decision tree to fine tune your configuration
  • Pre-packaged facilities to export and import setup data consistently and quickly
  • Pre-seeded setup templates and guided task flows
  • Built-in collaboration and reporting
  • Full extensibility to create custom setup objects
  • Rapid start with predefined configuration packages
  • Capability to easily import offerings from one instance to another and easily distribute new offerings
  • A user interface to review the topology hierarchy and configuration of your installation


Setup methodology:

You are implementing Fusion applications for the first time or you are adding a new module to an existing implementation or perhaps changing the existing setup data, any implementation project will go through Planning, Implementation, and then Deployment.

Planning Phase: you will review the Fusion features to figure out what they will provide, you will configure them to fit your business requirements and then you will generate the setup task list and finally customize the task list, if needed

Implementation Phase:  You will collect and enter setup data and then test to verify that the setup is working correctly.

Deployment Phase:  You will first identify which setup you want to deploy and then you will export it from the source instance and import it to your target instance. Finally, when export and import processes complete successfully, you will verify that the setup has properly migrated from source to target.

Following Guided Process will increase setup efficiency.


1-Review offerings

2-configure to fit

3-Generate setup tasks

4-Customize setup task lists (optional)


5-Collect data

6-Enter setup data



8-Identify setup to be deployed

9-Export and import

10-Verify setup

There are 3 Functional Setup Manager related roles that fusion application will delivered out of the box.

Application Implementation Managers: 

Responsibility: Manages overall implementation of a fusion.

These users are usually responsible for overall implementation of a Fusion application. During planning phase, they will learn all about the Offerings and what functionality they provide; then the implementation managers will configure the Offerings to fit the business requirements and generate the setup task list.

During implementation phase, these users will monitor the progress of the project.

Functional Owners:

Responsibility: Subject matter experts who setup their functional areas.

This is a collective term we use to identify the users who are typically responsible for entering setup data.  They are usually from respective lines of businesses and are subject matter experts in their functional areas.   This includes, for example, the financial administrator, procurement manager, sales operations representative, benefit administrator and so on.

During implementation, they will collect and enter setup data and then test to verify that the setups are working correctly.

After deployment, these same users are often responsible to verify that export/import has worked correctly and the setups are working properly at the target instance.

Application Implementation Consultant:

Responsibility: Sole contact who fulfills all phases of implementation primarily in a smaller project.

This is the super-user role for Functional Setup Manager.  These individuals will have full access to all functionality supported by Setup Manager.

Let’s we will now demonstrate an example of the high level features.

As we discussed above, whether you are implementing Fusion for the first time or making changes to your existing setup, any typical implementation project will start with planning.

When you start planning, you want to come to Getting Started page. Here you will find all Fusion Offerings are listed on a single page and by clicking on any one of them, you can analyze and learn all about its setup requirements through self-service.

Let’s, we drill down on Sales ………

 You will find a list of predefined reports that will allow you to analyze setup requirements and plan properly for more successful implementation.  Each report provides insight into different aspects of implementing the features.

For example, if you open the Related Business Objects report you will find out what are all the setup data that will be needed to make Sales offering ready for transaction. (Click on xls icon for RELATED BUSINESS OBJECTS)



Click on xls icon for OK button

Now if you are implementing Sales, you possibly know that you have to set up sales related functions such as territories, sales stages, forecasting period, lead assignment rules and so on…..

What may not be as apparent is that Sales implementation also requires setting up currencies, time-zones… (Click on SCROLL DOWN)


Business units and contracts … (Click on SCROLL DOWN)

Items and so on……

This report shows a full list of ALL setup data – including the pre-requisites – that must be defined before you can use the Sales application. (Click xls CLOSE icon)

Click anywhere….

Let’s to summarize till now you will start your planning from the Getting Started User Intrface.  You can learn all about the Offerings from a single source through self-service.  You can review the prepackaged reports for impact analysis and better understanding of implementation requirements.

After you finish your analysis you will configure the Offerings to match your requirements by going to ‘Configure Offerings’ page. (Click on CONFIGURE OFFERINGS from task pane)

On this page you will find the same list of Offerings as you have seen on the Getting Started page.  In addition you can expand any Offering to find optional modules or functionality within it.

For example: if you expand Sales you will find a list of Sales related optional features/functionality.

[Click to expand SALES Offering]

Simply by checking or un-checking the Offerings and Options, you can configure Fusion applications to fit your business needs. Let’s take an example: you are implementing Sales and in addition to core sales functions, your company is interested in Lead Management, Territory Management, and Sales Forecasting. Other features such as Sales Catalog or Prediction Engines are not applicable to our implementation just yet.

Simply check the Options that are applicable to your company and leave others unchecked.  This in turn will appropriately configure the list of setup tasks that will be generated automatically in the next step. The task list will only include those setups that are applicable to your selected Options and will exclude any that are relevant for the Options you have not selected.  You can also do more granular configuration by selecting Feature Choices where applicable. [Click on SELECT FEATURE CHOICES icon]

The Feature Choices typically represent optional or alternative business rules.  For example, in case of Lead management, you can choose whether or not you want to use assessment template.  Again, this will influence the auto-generated setup task list and only tasks that are applicable to your selection will be presented to you. (Click on CANCEL button)

Click anywhere………….

You can select appropriate Offerings and Options to fit Fusion applications just right to your business. You can make finer matching with your business processes by choosing appropriate features choices.

Once you complete your configuration, you are ready to generate the setup task list and start your implementation.  Click on MANAGE IMPLEMENTATION PROJECTS from task pane…

To auto-generate setup task list, you will create an implementation project and choose the offerings and options you want to implement. Let’s take a look at this implementation project that I have recently created with Sales offering. Click on SALES PROJECT in the table

All setup tasks will be presented in a tree format. Click to expand SALES


As you can see the generated task list not only includes the sales application specific tasks but also all the tasks that are relevant to set up any pre-requisites needed by the Sales application such a creating users, enterprise structures, security etc.  Therefore, you get complete visibility to end-to-end requirements through one single list.

You will also find that the tasks are organized with pre-requisites and dependencies in mind. The most common requirements across all offerings are listed first. Next the common tasks across a product family such as CRM are shown Point to DEFINE COMMON CRM CONFIGURATIONS. They are followed by the common tasks across various modules in a product such as Sales. Point to DEFINE COMMON SALES CONFIGURATIONS. Finally, feature/functionality specific tasks are listed at the end. Point to SALES FORECASTING, LEAD MANAGEMENT etc.

Let me also point out what we discussed during configuration of the Offerings.  As you can see, tasks for setting up lead management and forecasting – the options that we selected during configuration are included but those for sales catalog, and sales prediction engine are not. If you need to further customize your list of tasks you can also add or remove tasks for this task list.

Once you have finished configuring the task list, you are ready for implementation.  You will assign the tasks from various functional areas to the appropriate users who are responsible for entering those setup data. Click anywhere…..

To generate setup task list you will create an implementation project which will provide sequential list of tasks to give you complete visibility to implementation requirements. You can refine the task list if needed by adding or removing tasks. Let’s now take a look from the assigned user’s point of view. Click on SETUP AND MAINTENANCE (workspace) link at the upper-left corner of the page

Their landing page in Functional Setup Manager is this page.  Here they will find all of their assigned tasks in a single list.  They will also be able to open the UIs for entering setup data directly from this task list by clicking on ‘Go to Task’ which will help them to manage their setup data very easily through self-service.

Functional Setup Manager fully honors the security profile of the users who are performing any of the tasks. This includes both functional and data access control. This means, that the users will be able to enter setup data only according to the permission granted to them. Click on GO TO TASK icon for Define Sales Forecasting Configuration

After entering or updating setup data when the users save or cancel and close the UI, they will return to their list of assigned tasks and continue to perform their next task. Click on CANCEL button

I would also like to point out the capability of attaching documents or adding free-format notes to a task from this page.  Point to links in the NOTES column. This helps users to share knowledge and collaborate in an implementation project. Click anywhere

Functional users will find all of their assigned tasks in a single list. The UIs for entering setup data are also accessible directly from these tasks, which helps the users to manage their setup through self-service. They can also collaborate using notes and attachments.

Once all setup data is entered and tested, you are ready to deploy it to production and so you will go to Manage Configuration Package. Click on MANAGE CONFIGURATION PACKAGES

To deploy your setup to another instance such as production, first you need to identify which setup you want to deploy. Therefore you will select one of your implementation projects and create a configuration package for it.  This will determine what setup data will be migrated. To finish, you will export the configuration package from the source instance and import it at the target instance.

Let’s take a look at a Configuration Package I recently created and submitted for export. [Point to SALES_PROJCT_1 (configuration package)] Here I would like point out to a couple of very useful files that you can download. Click on Download icon

Point to DOWNLOAD CONFIGURATION PACKAGE link, this file called Configuration Package, is created by the export process and is read by the import process to move setup from one instance to another. It is a zip file of multiple xml files which contain the setup tasks from the implementation project you selected to create the configuration package and the setup data related to those tasks. You can also use this file as a template and replicate the same setup at many instances to rapid start Fusion applications. Point to DOWNLOAD SETUP DATA link

Setup Data Report is another very useful file for your implementation.  This zip file contains various xls files that show what setup data was exported or imported in an easy-to-read tabular format. Point to anywhere

Here is an example of a Setup Data Report.  It is showing you what setup data has been exported. Point to anywhere

During export and import will identify what setup data to migrate by choosing an implementation project and creating a configuration package. You can use the configuration package to migrate setup once, or use it as a template to rapid start Fusion implementation at many instances.

You can review reports to get complete visibility to setup data and verify setups. Once Fusion Offering is implemented and deployed to production, there might still be times when you need to make small setup changes.  For example, over time you might need to add or remove win/loss reasons that are used by the Opportunities.  For those smaller changes you do not need to go through the elaborate process of full implementation flow.

You can go to ALL TASKS tab, and search for the appropriate task either by the name of the task or the associated business object. Once the search result is returned you can perform the desired task directly from the returned list. Here, I have searched for a task name that has ‘win/loss reasons’ and the task called ‘Manage Win/Loss Reasons’ is retuned. I can click on ‘Go to Task’… Click on GO TO TASK icon

go to Win/Loss UI where I will make the changes I want to make.  Once finished, I will save and close the UI and will return to Functional Setup Manager. Click on CANCEL button


The users can continue to search for other tasks if they want and enter data for them. As I mentioned before, the functional and data security profile of the user performing the task is always verified by Functional Setup Manager.  Therefore, a user will not be able to just search for a task and start entering data for it unless he or she has the right permissions to do so. Click anywhere

So, why should you use Functional Setup Manager? Setup Manger provides self-service process for planning, implementation and deployment of Fusion applications which allows customers manage all aspects of functional setup through a single interface. Setup Offerings provide configurable and extensible pre-packaged setup task lists allowing setup customization at the business user level

Setup export and import provides configuration packages to move setup across systems consistently and quickly. Setup Reporting helps to audit and validate setup configuration and data at any instance

Feature Capability Customer Benefit
Setup Manager Self-serviced process for planning, implementation and deployment Manage all aspects of functional setup in one interface
Setup Offerings Configurable and extensible pre-packaged setup task lists Customize setup at business user level
Setup Export & Import Configuration Packages to move  setup across systems Export & Import setup data consistently and quickly
Setup Reporting Report on functional configurations and data Accurately report, audit, and validate setup configuration and data

I hope it helped you to become familiar with the features and functionality of Functional Setup Manager and prepared you to start using this new product for your Fusion applications implementation.


End notes:

Oracle Fusion Applications Concepts Guide 11g Release 1 (

Oracle Fusion Applications Information Technology Management, Implement Applications Guide.


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Oracle e business suite, Generic Loader – FNDLOAD

Posted by Kashif Manzoor on August 16th, 2011


We will examine FNDLOAD configuration management process in Oracle E-Business Suite. We will briefly examine concepts for configuration, customization. This note will describe how to use the FNDLOAD and java XMLImporter and XDOLoader utilities. Along with example commands and sample unix scripts, we will review how to download and upload Oracle Application data.

Data Synchronization?

Data Synchronization is a process in which some setup data would be synchronized, and this would be more important when you are working in Oracle application development/implementation project. The equally important that ATG data Migration takes place necessary to synchronize the data across databases instance during :
· Installations (New descriptive flex field creations etc)
· Upgrades (Apps upgrade etc.)
· Maintenance (Value set changes etc.

 FNDLOAD — The FNDLOAD utility is documented in Oracle Applications 11.5.7, 11.5.8, 11.5.9 System

Administration Guides, Appendix C. Starting with 11.5.10, the documentation has been expanded in the System Administration Guide – Configuration manual, Appendix B. The documentation for Release 12 has 3 new pages for Folders Configuration File.


Metalink notes are useful when you encounter an error or are not sure of the correct syntax or format for a specific use of FNDLOAD. Other good sources of documentation are Oracle blogs which can easily be found by entering the FNDLOAD command or error in google.


“FNDLOAD is a Generic Loader” – FNDLOAD can be used to download application data from an Oracle Application instance into editable text file(.ldt file). The data, in the FNDLOAD .ldt file can then be uploaded into another Oracle Application instance. This .ldt file contains not only the actual data representing the object(s) being downloaded, but it also contains metadata about the structure of that data.

The following diagram illustrates how FNDLOAD downloads data from an Oracle Application database according to a configuration (lct) file, and converts the data into a data file (ldt file) for subsequent uploading to another Application database.

What can be done?

These are the extensive list which can be done through FNDLOAD
· Concurrent Programs, Executables
· Request Groups, Request Sets
· Profile Options
· Key and Descriptive Flexfields
· Menus and Responsibilities
· Forms and Form Functions/Personalizations
· Attachments
· Messages
· Value Sets and Values
· Lookup Types
· User Responsibilities
· Printer Definitions
· FND Dictionary
· Help Configuration
· Document Sequences
· Alerts
· Concurrent Manager Schedules

The FNDLOAD: Concurrent Program – FNDLOAD can be executed as a concurrent program.

FNDLOAD operates in one of two modes:

Download or Upload

In the download mode, data is downloaded from the database to a text file.

In the upload mode, data is uploaded from a text file to the database.


In both downloading and uploading, the structure of the data involved is described by the configuration file (lct file) and also the access methods to use to copy the data into or out of the database file. The same lct file is used for both uploading and downloading. Data structures supported by the loader include master-detail relationships and foreign key reference relationships.


The FNDLOAD executable can be found in $FND_TOP/bin and associated lct files are located in

$FND_TOP/admin/import/ or $FND_TOP/patch/115/import for the most current version.


FNDLOAD can be executed as a Concurrent Program or as a UNIX command line utility with the following format and parameters, as documented in the Oracle Application System Administrator’s Guide – Configuration:

FNDLOAD apps/pwd 0 Y mode configfile datafile entity [parameter….]



<apps/pwd> Apps schema / password


< 0 Y > Concurrent Program flags mode UPLOAD or DOWNLOAD


<config file> Configuration lct file to use. See the FNDLOAD configuration table below for names of the lct files by seed data types.


<datafile> Name of ldt data file written out when the FNDLOAD runs. This file is then used in an FNDLOAD upload to load the downloaded data into another application instance.


<entity> Entities to upload or download. Specify a “-” to upload all entities on uploads.


<[param]> Zero or more additional parameters used to provide bind values in the access SQL. Each parameter is in the form NAME=Value (Look at the specific .lct file being used for more details for these parameters.)


Some advantages when using FNDLOAD
1. Because downloaded data is stored in a text file, version administration is possible
2. There is nothing to worry to go to purchase because Investment = 0$
3. No learning curve. this is relief for developer and dba
4. Fully supported and recommended by Oracle
5. Capture the migrations in a file and use it during installations, clones etc. to migrate in batch
6. Pin-point when something happened and where (database) easily
7. Your AOL data migration process is now simplified and streamlined goal attained


Some disadvantages when using FNDLOAD
1. Applications patching mechanisms use FNDLOAD heavily possibility of negative impact is not zero
2. UPLOAD_MODE=REPLACE only for menus
3. No validation against migrating database/instance sensitive data


Some sample examples:



FNDLOAD apps/apps O Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afsload.lct menu.ldt




FNDLOAD apps/apps O Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afsload.lct




FNDLOAD apps/apps O Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afsload.lct form.ldt

FORM FORM_NAME=${shortname}



FNDLOAD apps/apps O Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/affrmcus.lct

formpersonalization.ldt FND_FORM_CUSTOM_RULES function_name=${shortname}



FNDLOAD apps/apps O Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afcppstl.lct

printer.ldt STYLE PRINTER_STYLE_NAME=${shortname}



FNDLOAD apps/apps 0 Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afcpprog.lct

concprog.ldt PROGRAM CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_NAME=${shortname}



FNDLOAD apps/apps O Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/aflvmlu.lct





FNDLOAD apps/apps O Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/admin/import/afscursp.lct

responsible.ldt FND_RESPONSIBILITY RESP_KEY=”${respkey}”



FNDLOAD apps/apps O Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afffload.lct

${shortname}_flex.ldt DESC_FLEX DESCRIPTIVE_FLEXFIELD_NAME=${shortname}



FNDLOAD apps/$PASSWD O Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afffload.lct

keyflex.ldt KEY_FLEX






FNDLOAD apps/apps O Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afffload.lct

valset.ldt VALUE_SET FLEX_VALUE_SET_NAME=${shortname}



FNDLOAD apps/apps O Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afscprof.lct

profile.ldt PROFILE PROFILE_NAME=${shortname}



FNDLOAD apps/apps O Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afmdmsg.lct

message.ldt FND_NEW_MESSAGES MESSAGE_NAME=${shortname}



FNDLOAD apps/apps O Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afcpreqg.lct

reqgrp.ldt REQUEST_GROUP REQUEST_GROUP_NAME=${shortname}



OAUG Forum at COLLABORATE 08 Page 6

FNDLOAD apps/apps O Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afcprset.lct





FNDLOAD apps/apps 0 Y DOWNLOAD $BNE_TOP/admin/import/bnelay.lct




With Release 12.1.1, FNDLOAD supports BLOB data (upload / download ) to better serve content-rich applications.

FNDLOAD apps/pwd 0 Y mode configfile datafile entity [ param … ]


Several different errors can occur when using FNDLOAD, so use attentiveness to review results and logs when using this utility. The FNDLOAD program can fail when the ldt file used to download and the corresponding lct file used to upload are not compatible.


Other Oracle Utilities – Similar to FNDLOAD, other Oracle Development tools, like the XML Publisher and

JDeveloper, also have Oracle Application utilities that can be used to download and/or upload application data.

These tools are supported by the java XML and XDO Loader utilities, which can be used to migrate additional types of Application entities among your instances. Finally, AD administration tasks are sometimes needed to support post-upload requirements for some entities.

Developers can use the XML Publisher to create XML reports for Oracle Applications. In the Apps, navigate to the XML Publisher Administrator responsibility, then to Templates and Data Definition web pages. Use these web pages to register custom XML reports and upload your report’s physical template file from your client, or you can use two command line utilities to automate moving XML report registration and the report’s physical files among instances. FNDLOAD will download and upload XML report data definitions and template metadata. The XDOLoader utility is a Java-based command line program to download and/or upload the physical template (RTF, PDF, XSL-FO, XML, and XSD) files from/to the XML Publisher database tables. The following examples show the FNDLOAD and XDO Loader commands to download/upload XML report data:


Data definition and template registration:


FNDLOAD apps/apps O Y DOWNLOAD $XDO_TOP/patch/115/import/xdotmpl.lct tmpl.ldt




Physical template files:

java oracle.apps.xdo.oa.util.XDOLoader DOWNLOAD -DB_USERNAME apps –




-lct_FILE $XDO_TOP/patch/115/import/xdotmpl.lct


Developers can use JDeveloper to modify existing OA Framework pages or create new custom web pages. The web pages can then be downloaded and/or uploaded from one Oracle Application instance to another using the Java Exporter and/or Importer utility. OA Framework pages also have file system class and jar files which can be migrated by zipping your custom directories, using ftp to copy these files, and unzipping them into your other instance’s $APPL_TOP before running the XML Importer.


The following is a sample Java XML Importer command to load xml pages:



$XXLM_TOP/oracle/apps/xxlm/${shortname}/webui/ -username apps -password

$password -rootdir $XXLM_TOP -DBCONNECTION “hostname:dbport:sid” -jdk13 –

mmddir $OA_HTML/jrad


Once uploaded and prior to being used, some entities require AD administration tasks to be executed. For example, uploading messages requires the maintenance step of ‘Generate Message Files’. Before AD administration can be used non-interactively, a defaults file must be created interactively. eg:


adadmin defaultsfile=$APPL_TOP/admin/testdb1/adadmindef.txt


Once created, this defaults file is used in the non-interactive call to adadmin:


adadmin interactive=n defaultsfile=$APPL_TOP/admin/testdb1/adadmindef.txt


For details, see “Oracle Applications Maintenance Procedures.”


Utility download script – Running FNDLOAD, and other similar utilities, from a UNIX script allows you to

easily integrate the use of the download/upload utilities for your Oracle Applications data, e.g., registration of forms/reports/value sets, etc., for code promotion with the configuration management and promotion of your UNIX file system objects, e.g, your forms (fmb), reports (rdf), etc. Any execution of FNDLOAD assumes the Oracle


Application environment has previously been set. The code segment below is one example of how to call

FNDLOAD within a korn shell script.


## assumes APPS environment is properly set

## and other shell variables previously defined



## Prompt for type and parameter value


echo “Enter a category




read category

if [ -z “$category” ] ; then



typeset -u category

echo “Using category” $category | tee -a ${LOGFILE}



## determine appropriate user input prompt

case $category in


parm_prompt=”Please enter a request group.”



parm_prompt=”Please enter a responsibility key (include _ underscore

for spaces).”



parm_prompt=”Enter a short name.”


## Get input from user

echo $parm_prompt

read shortname

if [ -z “$shortname” ] ; then

echo $parm_prompt




## log files from FNDLOAD execution are not ‘well named’

## this is one attempt to identify a new file

OAUG Forum at COLLABORATE 08 Page 10

## Get initial list of *log files

ls *log > ${WORK_FILE1} 2>/dev/null


## execute appropriate form of FNDLOAD


case $category in


FNDLOAD apps/$PASSWD O Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afsload.lct

${shortname}_menu.ldt MENU MENU_NAME=${shortname}



FNDLOAD apps/$PASSWD O Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/affrmcus.lct

${shortname}_formpersonalization.ldt FND_FORM_CUSTOM_RULES




FNDLOAD apps/$PASSWD O Y DOWNLOAD $XDO_TOP/patch/115/import/xdotmpl.lct





java oracle.apps.xdo.oa.util.XDOLoader DOWNLOAD -DB_USERNAME apps –





FILE_CONTENT_TYPE ‘application/rtf’ -FILE_NAME ${shortname}.rtf -NLS_LANG

ENGLISH_UNITED_STATES.WE8ISO8859P1 $XDO_TOP/patch/115/import/xdotmpl.lct



## additional FNDLOAD command lines for each of the different

## categories of applications entities




echo You entered an incorrect category. Valid categories are:





sleep 1

## Additional work to attempt to identify the most recently

## created log file


## get new list of log files

ls *log > ${WORK_FILE2}

## find name of newly created log file (from concurrent mgr process)

FND_LOG=`diff ${WORK_FILE1} ${WORK_FILE2} | grep \> | cut -c3-`

echo “Logfile is:” ${FND_LOG} | tee -a ${LOGFILE}

## look for obvious success or failure tokens

grep “successfully” ${FND_LOG} | tee -a ${LOGFILE}

grep “ORA-” ${FND_LOG} | tee -a ${LOGFILE}


This code interactively prompts the user for the type and name of the entity that will be downloaded. It also uses the name (‘shortname’ parameter) to help label the created .ldt file along with its entity type. This naming convention helps to keep track of which ldt files contain which entities. An upload script for these files would look very similar. The script could be extended or used in conjunction with other scripts to implement a simple configuration process.




Note: 274667.1 FNDLOAD Commands to Download Different Seed Data Types.

Note: 287417.1 Parameters Of Different Configuration Files To Download And Upload Seed Data Types.

Note: 256573.1 How To Download/Upload Descriptive Flexfield With Name $SRS$

EBS Release : Oracle Applications System Administrator’s Guide – Configuration

EBS Release 12.0.4+ : Oracle Applications System Administrator’s Guide – Configuration

EBS Release 12.1.3 : Oracle Applications System Administrator’s Guide – Configuration

Customization Survival Guide: How to Use E-Business Utilities to Migrate Your Custom Code, Brad Simmons and Donna Campbell, Los Alamos National Laboratory document

Tips About FNDLOAD [ID 735338.1]

Is It Possible To Use FNDLOAD To Migrate Configurations Or Data To Another Instance? [ID 1316916.1]

How To Use XDOLoader to Manage, Download and Upload Files? [ID 469585.1]


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